During the premiere of Chris Pine’s latest movie “Poolman” in Los Angeles this week, the actor made quite an entrance on the red carpet with his unique style choice. While some may call it disheveled or artfully messy, others might appreciate its effortless charm. Over a light beige slogan tee, Pine wore a bold blazer reminiscent of the classic 1980s era inspired by movie stars such as Tom Selleck and Harrison Ford. He paired this with corduroy work shorts, hiking boots adorned in bright red laces that matched his sports socks’ stripes detailing, adding to his laid-back ensemble. To top it off, he accessorized with a large pink peony boutonniere for the event. Pine has always been known to add unconventional elements like louche tailoring and eclectic accessories in various styles beyond scrubbed suits commonly associated with leading men on red carpets or movie premiers’ front rows. Moreover, his fashion sense occasionally takes a turn towards counterculture looks that reflect someone who can easily afford dry cleaning but opts to stick by his ‘last clean clothes.’ Perhaps he has discovered the pleasure in staying cozy and comfortable while running errands under paparazzi scrutiny? Pine shared with E! News at “Poolman’s” premiere that this newfound sense of freedom from societal norms is a result of reaching an age where one doesn’t care as much about conforming. His current fashion philosophy echoes the ’80s trend, which has served as his inspiration alongside Tom Selleck and Harrison Ford during their heydays in Hollywood’s glittery era. Intriguingly, Pine revealed that his unique sense of style for this red carpet was influenced by “Poolman’s” titular character— a Los Angeles pool cleaner who embodies the movie’s theme. This could be another instance where actors adopt ‘method dressing,’ quietly transforming themselves as per their role before hitting show business arenas over extended periods, unbeknownst to style enthusiasts and critics alike!
Chris Pine Embraces Eclectic 80s Style for “Poolman” Premiere: Method Dressing or Freedom from Conformity?
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