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California Doctor with Psychotic Features Accused of Attempted Murder in Tesla Crash Seeks Mental Health Diversion Program

Rewritten Article: California doctor Dharmesh Patel accused of attempting to kill his family by driving their Tesla off a cliff has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and psychotic features, according to a psychologist who gave testimony at a hearing on Wednesday. Mark Patterson said that around the time of the crash in January 2023, Patel was experiencing auditory hallucinations as he believed his young children would be kidnapped by pedophiles including those associated with Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged sex-trafficking ring. The delusions were linked to concerns over the war in Ukraine and America’s fentanyl crisis. Patterson said Patel, who pleaded not guilty at an arraignment earlier this year after being charged with three counts of first degree attempted murder for driving himself and his family off a 250ft cliff in Northern California while they were inside the vehicle, would benefit from mental health diversion program instead of facing trial. Patel’s wife and seven-year-old daughter suffered serious injuries during the crash but their four-year-old son was unharmed physically according to authorities at the time. If a judge approves his request for entry into such a programme, he would receive outpatient treatment including therapy as well as meetings with psychiatric clinician James Armontrout and psychotherapist. Prosecutors have opposed Patel’s bid in court filings but testimony from witnesses is scheduled to begin on May 2, reported local newspaper Orange County Register who had gained permission not reveal Patel’s name at the time of his arrest as it could identify his children due to their ages being given by police.

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