Roy Jones Jr., who faced off against Mike Tyson during their exhibition bout last year, has shared his insights about the former heavyweight champion ahead of his upcoming fight with Jake Paul. In an interview on Shane Mosley’s YouTube show, Jones described getting hit by Tyson in the chest and revealed that it felt like a mule had kicked him there. He added that anyone who is not used to being hit as hard will be knocked out or floor when confronted by such strikes from men with heavy punch power similar to Holyfield’s and Lewis’. Jones also expressed his belief that Jake Paul, Tyson’s next opponent in July 2021 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, would find it tough dealing with the force of Tyson’s punches.
Despite numerous social media posts showing his training sessions for the upcoming bout against Paul, Mike Tyson told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity that he was “scared to death” going into their fight. However, Tyson explained that this is a part of him and it does not hold back the seasoned athlete as every challenge in life becomes easy with bravery. He further added that adversities and nervousness have always propelled him towards success; without them he would never consider getting into any ring to fight again. Nevertheless, when “reality” sets in during his upcoming bout against Paul, Tyson believes the butterflies will float away as he becomes invincible because it’s reality now!
Jones Warns Jake Paul of Mike Tyson’s Heavy Punch Power; Tyson Admits Nervousness but Finds Bravery in Adversity
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