As excitement builds for “Mufasa: The Lion King,” the latest addition to Disney’s animated universe has caught everyone’s attention – the return of many familiar faces from last year’s successful live-action adaptation directed by Jon Favreau. This upcoming prequel boasts an impressive ensemble cast that includes John Kani as Rafiki, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa, Billy Eichner as Timon, Donald Glover as Simba and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter as Nala from the 2019 film. In a major development for the franchise, Blue Ivy Carter, daughter of pop icon Beyoncé, will voice Kiara in this new installment.
The teaser trailer released on Monday gives viewers an insight into the plot that takes us beyond “the mountains and shadows,” to explore events far from Simba’s royal bloodline roots. The clip introduces a young Mufasa (James Earl Jones voiced him as an adult in 1994) who was once abandoned, lost and alone until he met Taka – the scion of another lion-based regal dynasty during his search for meaning and purpose. This chance encounter sets off a chain reaction that leads to Kiara’s story being narrated by Rafiki as Timon (Rogen), Pumbaa (Eichner) lend their signature humor in support, while Simba and Nala are portrayed by Glover and Knowles-Carter respectively.
Directed by Barry Jenkins (“Moonlight”), “Mufasa: The Lion King” goes further into flashback as the narrative centers on Taka’s mother Eshe (Thandiwe Newton) who is also Mufasa’s mom, Afia (Anika Noni Rose). Keith David returns to voice Masego – Mufasa’s dad. “Mufasa: The Lion King” releases in cinemas globally on December 20 this year.
Blue Ivy Carter Joins Disney’s ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’, Beyoncé Daughter Voices Kiara in Upcoming Prequel Directed by Barry Jenkins
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