A boxer named Ardi Ndembo, aged 27, passed away on Thursday after spending three weeks in a medically induced coma following his April 5 fight against Nestor Santana in Miami. During the bout, he was knocked unconscious. He was then transported to a local hospital where doctors put him into a coma. Unfortunately, earlier this week, he succumbed to his injuries. “We at Viva Promotions mourn the loss of Ardi Ndembo, an exceptionally talented Congolese boxer who tragically passed away after being knocked out during our Team Combat League match on April 5,” read a statement from the promotion via The New York Post. RIP Ardi Ndembo!” Jeff Mayweather’s uncle, known to work with the same team that represented Ndembo in his final fight when he fought for the league. Floyd Mayweather himself has also weighed-in on the situation: “Boxing’s a sport where you grow up watching it and loving it, but there’s so much risk involved,” said Mayweather to The Sun.” Anyone can lose their life from boxing”. Although accidents have been known to happen in other sports as well, Jeff clarified that “You drive a race car at 200 mph, if it slides, you’re going to die too. You can die in any sport but Boxing is a brutal one.” The league has paid tribute by giving Ndembo a 10-bell salute and are currently matching all donations made on their GoFundMe up till $25,000. Prior to his final fight earlier this month, the Congolese boxer had an unbeaten record of eight wins in total. He is survived by his wife and two children. For more updates, stay tuned with FOX News for further developments on this story.
Boxing Fatality: Ardi Ndembo Dies after Three-Week Coma Following Knockout Loss
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