Police and community members in Chatham, Illinois celebrated the return of a local second-grader who has successfully overcome cancer after undergoing surgery. The heartwarming moment was captured on video shared by the Chatham IL Police Department via Storyful last Saturday (April 27).
Judah Collins began chemotherapy in August 2018 and relapsed in November, leaving his family “devastated”, according to a post from the police department. This time around he required a bone marrow transplant using cells donated by his mother on January 17 this year. The procedure was successful.
The video showed rows of flashing patrol cars lining up as neighbours cheered, clapped and waved flags for Judah’s homecoming. “When Judah made it home today, he had an army of people there to welcome him and his family home…What an incredible story of resilience, never giving up, and the true power of a mother’s love,” said Chatham Police Department on their Facebook page about the celebrations held in support for Judah’s triumph over cancer.
Chatham Community Celebrates Cancer-Free Homecoming of Second-Grader Judah Collins
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