The community in Chatham, Illinois recently celebrated the joyful return home of a young second-grader named Judah Collins after undergoing successful surgery for cancer. Video footage from April 27 shows an outpouring of support as police officers and neighbors lined up along the route to welcome Judah back with flashing lights on their patrol cars, cheers, claps, and waving flags. The young boy had been receiving chemotherapy since August last year but relapsed in November, leaving his family feeling devastated. This time around, a bone marrow transplant was necessary using the mother’s cells to replace Judah’s own on January 17th of this year. Chatham Police Department shared that “When Judah made it home today, he had an army of people there to welcome him and his family,” explaining what appears to be a testimony not just from residents in their area but also the power of love between mother and child during such trying times. The department further commended Judah’s resilience, unwavering spirit and dedication to overcome this hurdle despite facing tremendous adversity.
Community Celebrates Cancer-Free Return Home for Second-Grader Judah Collins in Chatham, Illinois
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