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Finding Value Destinations in May: Dealing with Airbnb Fees and Embracing Change

The author shares his email address for readers’ input on finding the best value destination during May, as airbnb fees increase significantly in that month. He then highlights a personal experience of Warren M regarding developing routines and dealing with change as we age. The author suggests that instead of getting discouraged by routine disruptions like Warren did initially, people should embrace new experiences to replace them. Resident economist Jared P brings up the Lucas critique in economics which explains how models may fail if they do not account for changing behaviors over time. Collin shares an encounter with Buck-I Guy, a famous sports fan known for his outlandish acts and refusal of photos unless paid. Tom from Florida complains about receiving Mcafee scams while browsing Screencaps’ website, which the author assures him is not intentional. Duncan in Georgia describes how some parents at their son’s 11U travel game acted negatively towards their children during a match, leading to questions over why such behavior persists in sports parenting. The article concludes with updates on Screencaps’ upcoming practices and potential scrimmage for the author’s house ball team. Neil OD also checks back in by sharing an interesting encounter his friend had while valeting Johnny Football’s previous Range Rover, which reportedly did not have a weed smell anymore due to it being leased out recently. The article ends with a call-to-action for readers to share their suggestions on the best value destination during May via email at

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