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Grand Jury Clears Fort Worth Mom Who Fatally Shot Burglar

Fort Worth woman who fatally shot a 14-year-old burglar last year has been exonerated by a grand jury after investigating her case for four months. Aleah Wallace was initially uncertain about the outcome as she feared being charged with a crime or separated from her children, but now feels relieved that jurors found insufficient evidence to indict her following Devin Baker’s death in December 2018. The incident occurred after an unsuccessful burglary attempt by another person on Wallace’s federally subsidized home and was the fifth attempted break-in within a few weeks. In interviews, she conveyed sympathies for Devin’s family but appreciated help from her counseling sessions to aid her daughters through their recovery process as they visit weekly therapeutic visits organized by lawyer Mark Melton on a pro-bono basis after Wallace faced eviction due to the presence of firearms in government subsidized housing. Her former landlord rescinded the move request, citing public outpourings advocating her protection by Carrie Isaac (Texas Representative for Central Texas). The family has since relocated from their previous apartment complex to another location within Tarrant County and are undergoing therapy as well alongside Wallace.

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