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Justin Hicks’ Bold Challenge to Democrats over Minority Support and Promises

Republican Missouri state representative Justin Hicks, known for his defiant declaration during a heated debate last year that he identifies “as an American,” has announced his candidacy to represent the state’s 3rd Congressional District in Washington. In an exclusive interview with Fox News, Hicks accused Democrats of having enjoyed a historic “free pass” when it comes to minority voters but predicted they would lose this support come November due to what he called their false promises.
Hicks is the only non-white Republican serving in Missouri’s statehouse and has experienced harassment from his Democratic colleagues because of his race, as evidenced by a floor debate last year over a bill opposing public funding for DEI initiatives during which Hicks refused to identify himself ethnically when pressed. “I identify as an American,” he proudly declared in response.
The veteran who served six years with the US Army and deployed to the Middle East said his time in uniform had shaped his political views, highlighting the importance of building America’s military strength while maintaining its global standing. He also emphasized that Americans should remember how fortunate they are as a country rather than becoming overly focused on domestic issues.
If elected, Hicks said he would prioritize advocating for balanced budget legislation to combat inflation and avoid passing excessive debt onto future generations, including his 1-year-old daughter Liberty whom he credited with inspiring him to run for Congress in the first place. He criticized what he called selfish leaders in Congress who only seemed concerned about doing “political theatre” instead of working to benefit all Americans and warned that freedoms are increasingly being eroded due to their actions.
Hicks faces a crowded Republican primary field, including Bob Onder and Kurt Schaefer, both well-funded candidates. However, analysts believe the winner will almost certainly go on to win in November since the election has been categorized as “safe” or “solid” Republican territory by experts. The primaries are scheduled for August 6th.

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