The family of Ralph Yarl, the Black teenager who sustained serious injuries after being mistakenly ringing the doorbell at a White man’s house in Kansas City, Missouri last year, has filed a lawsuit against both Andrew Lester, the shooter, and Highland Acres Homes Association Inc. The seven-page civil suit accuses the defendants of negligent behavior stemming from what it deems careless actions taken by the duo in April 2023 when Yarl, now aged seventeen, arrived at Lester’s house while attempting to collect his younger siblings from their usual location. According to a statement made within the suit filed by Ralph’s mother Cleopatra Nagbe, “At all times relevant, Plaintiff (Ralph Yarl) never posed or issued a threat to Defendant Andrew Lester,” and adds that Highland Acres Homes Association Inc “was aware of, or should have been aware,” Lester was armed and hostile as an apparent cause. During the incident in question, Ralph rang the doorbell at what he believed to be his intended destination but later found himself facing a gun-wielding Lester who fired through a locked glass door after answering it following Yarl’s ringtone. The teenager survived with serious injuries and has since been treated for permanent damage sustained during the ordeal, which includes physical pain as well as disability resulting from lost normal life activities that have forced him to spend large sums of money on medical attention – potentially lasting damages caused by trauma being mentioned also. While Lester maintains a plea of not guilty in relation to criminal charges brought against him for first-degree assault and armed criminal action, he has yet to make any comments concerning the ongoing case against his character now initiated under civil court laws relating directly toward damages from negligence or wrongful actions taken by himself.
Ralph Yarl’s Family Files Negligence Lawsuit Against Shooter and Homeowners Association for Serious Injuries Sustained During Doorbell Mishap
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