Jerry Seinfeld, famed creator and comedian behind hit sitcom “Seinfeld,” faced protests as he left an event alongside Bari Weiss in New York City. Meanwhile, diners have played a significant role in American pop culture history, with influential series like “Seinfeld” featuring these restaurants extensively due to their popularity being mostly restricted to northeastern states such as New Jersey and Manhattan. While the interior scenes of Monk’s Café on “Seinfeld” were filmed at a Los Angeles studio, Tom’s Restaurant in Morningside Heights served as its facade and is still an American cultural landmark today despite not being mentioned or featured explicitly during the show’s run. Westway Diner, located between Seinfeld’s former performance venue and Larry David’s old apartment building at Manhattan Plaza, has also emerged as a popular tourist spot after having contributed nothing other than meeting up inspiration points to ‘Seinfeld.’ This enduring impact is further highlighted by the presence of Kramer-inspired Kenny Kramer still residing in Manhattan Plaza.
“Seinfeld” and Diner Culture’s Enduring Impact on American Pop Culture, as Jerry Seinfeld Faces Protests in NYC
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