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Shifting Perceptions of Old Age: Study Finds Later Onset as Life Expectancy and Health Improve

“What Age Is Considered ‘Old’?” The answer seems to shift as individuals live longer, retire later, and maintain better physical and mental health in their golden years. A study published by the American Psychological Association on April 22 has determined that respondents questioned about old age at 64 declared that it commences around age 75. As participants got older themselves during this German research conducted between 1996-2021, they continued to postpone their answer as to when old age starts; the individuals in question were aged forty through a hundred years of age at survey time. The study’s authors suggest that increasing life expectancy and improved health may be contributing factors for this delaying perception since older persons who might once have been regarded as ‘old’ are no longer deemed so by today’s standards. In response to the query, “At what age would you describe someone as old?” those polled at sixty-four answered that such a state was attained at 74.6 years of age; whereas persons answering while they themselves were already seventy four set ‘old’ age’s beginning point around 76.8 instead. The team observed an average advancement in estimated age markers to one year with each every five or so calendar years passed by the respondents, as reported by Science Daily. Furthermore, women tended to defer old-age designation by approximately two years when compared against men’s responses; those who were more lonely and felt less healthy also set an earlier marker for ‘old age,’ while individuals reporting better health or feeling younger pushed back their perception of the onset of aging accordingly. The authors suggest that these findings may have implications regarding how people prepare themselves to grow older, as well as in shaping societal attitudes towards senior citizenship at large; it is unclear whether this delaying trend represents a more positive outlook toward advanced age or rather an indication that individuals view old-age itself less favorably.

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