PHOENIX – Jackson Bickler is a passionate soccer player who currently serves as the center for Corona Del Sol High School’s team. However, last year during practice, he began experiencing discomfort in his groin area that initially led him to believe it was just a pulled muscle. Despite resting on the sidelines for two weeks and implementing various remedies such as stretching and icing, the pain persisted and eventually spread to other parts of his body including his back and ribs region.
The news delivered by Abby Bickler, Jackson’s mother, was devastating: her son had cancer – metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma that had already advanced extensively throughout his system. In response to this heartbreaking revelation, the family banded together and determinedly began battling for Jackson’s survival with resolute determination.
Jackson’s dad explained how during chemo treatments, friends would come over to support him by shaving their heads in solidarity while he lost his hair as a side effect of treatment. Additionally, these individuals went out of their way to lift his spirits and distract Jackson from the weighty burdens that came with cancer through various activities such as visiting him at the hospital or hosting gatherings after they found out about relapses during routine visits.
The family recently learned of some reprieve via Make-A-Wish Foundation’s generous offer to grant their wish for a trip to Hawaii, which is estimated to cost $10,000. The nonprofit organization does not receive any grants or funding and instead relies solely on community support as it strives to provide strength, joy, improved outlook towards treatment, compliance with therapy, and something positive to look forward to for children like Jackson who are fighting cancer.
As he completed his final round of treatments a few months ago, doctors informed the family that cancer had returned once again. Nevertheless, this did not deter Jackson’s unwavering spirit as he likened it to “round two” in their ongoing boxing match against cancer.
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