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Youth-led Fight Against Pro-Hamas Protest and Communism on College Campuses

Another day brings another victory for sanity in America as pro-Hamas protests on college campuses continue to stir controversy. This issue has risen high up the list of problems facing our country today, and it’s baffling that such nonsense still persists. From last week’s heroic act at Florida State University where sprinklers were turned on during a protest, to this weekend when Arizona State fraternity members disrupted and discarded unwelcome protester materials while one woman screamed in their faces, it seems as though the youth of America are taking matters into their own hands. But today’s story takes the cake – UCLA has just provided us with an iconic duo that perfectly combines my two favorite things: Robin Williams and patriotism! This issue is spiraling out of control, but I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in seeing young adults step up to combat it. With presidential candidates like Joe Biden worth billions, Trump also boasting similar wealth, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seemingly frozen every four seconds and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on the verge of retirement age, perhaps we have no choice but to turn towards our youth for guidance. And if they continue to bring creativity and innovation to these pressing matters at hand like UCLA’s students did today by using Robin Williams quotes as a rallying cry against communism, then I am all for it! So here’s hoping this wave of revolutionary zeal keeps sweeping the nation – we need it now more than ever. Wake up, commies!

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