Renowned rapper 50 Cent has made an unconventional decision regarding his latest business venture. Instead of launching a new film studio in Hollywood, which is traditionally considered as the hub of the movie industry, he has opted to set it up in Shreveport, Louisiana. This move follows a trend among celebrities who are relocating their businesses out of Los Angeles.
In his statement, 50 Cent (real name Curtis Jackson) explained that G-Unit Film & Television’s studio wasn’t merely about business decisions but also showed “a commitment to fostering talent, creating opportunities and building a community that thrives through creativity.” As an esteemed hip-hop mogul with production house ‘G Unit Fil and TV,’ he has previously released documentaries like ‘50 Cent: The New Breed’ and produced shows such as Starz’s “Power,” in which he also starred.
Shreveport, Louisiana may seem a peculiar choice for the location of his studio; however, Jackson is following in the footsteps of other celebrities who have opted to move their businesses out of Hollywood. In 2019, Tyler Perry hosted the grand opening of his own studio in Atlanta and spoke about being ignored by Hollywood due to the specificity of African-American stories he produces that speak a language different from what is typically found there.
Jackson’s decision seems promising as it could potentially create around ten thousand jobs for locals alone, with an average salary significantly higher than the current one in Shreveport. He also expressed his desire to train people both on and off-screen through this endeavor. While Hollywood may seem more attractive due to its lifestyle and popularity, Walhberg argued that it could lead celebrities to live ‘poor lives.’ Meanwhile, other cities such as Las Vegas have offered a much better alternative in terms of costing significantly less than living in LA’s hustle and bustle.
Despite Shreveport being an unusual choice for Jackson’s studio location, he seems optimistic about its potential to become “a beacon of inspiration” with rich culture that could serve as the perfect backdrop for his upcoming productions. The move also presents a chance to bring captivating movies and entertainment to both Shreveport and Caddo Parish while simultaneously providing job opportunities in the city’s burgeoning film industry, especially after COVID-19 led to a decrease in tourism revenues last year for Louisiana cities such as New Orleans.
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