Renowned entertainment destination Dave & Buster’s has collaborated with Lucra to introduce an innovative feature that will enable customers to wager on its arcade games through the company app. This new gamification software integration into the Dave & Buster’s loyalty program allows patrons to compete against each other in a friendly bet format while playing classic amusement center attractions such as Hot Shots basketball and Skee-Ball. In addition, players can earn rewards and unlock exclusive perks through this newly introduced feature that reinforces the company’s commitment towards enhancing customer experiences with cutting-edge technology. Dave & Buster’s has not yet specified when this new service will be available to its patrons. This announcement comes at a time when sports betting is gaining popularity across various US states following a 2018 Supreme Court ruling that legalized the practice in New Jersey and other regions, with over 80% of bettors preferring online platforms for their wagers via smartphones or laptops.
Dave & Buster’s Introduces Arcade Betting Feature Through App Collaboration
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