French authorities detained renowned actor Gérard Depardieu on Monday over alleged sexual assault accusations, according to reports by broadcaster BFMTV and daily Le Parisien. The 75-year-old was summoned for questioning at a police station in the French capital earlier this week before being released later that day without charge, his lawyer Christian Saint-Palais revealed afterwards, however refused any further comments. Lawyers of two women had made allegations against Depardieu, one claiming he groped her during filming back in 2014 and another stating she was assaulted while working on a movie called “Les Volets verts” (The Green Shutters) last year. The first alleged incident was reported to police by the woman in January this year. This is not Depardieu’s first brush with sexual misconduct allegations, as over a dozen women have accused him of being sexually improper during the #MeToo movement back in 2017. In 2020 he faced charges for rape and sexual assault following two separate incidents at his home that took place in 2018 after teaching a masterclass to one woman’s school, BFMTV reported. Depardieu was previously regarded as an iconic figure within France due to his role promoting French cinema both nationally and internationally with various Hollywood roles under his belt.
Gérard Depardieu questioned over sexual assault allegations
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