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Vanderbilt Students Prioritize Issues and Candidates in Upcoming Election with Divided Support for Biden and Legalization

Students from Vanderbilt University shared their top voting priorities and the candidates they are likely to support in the upcoming presidential election. Tommy, a student, stated that he would vote for whoever legalizes marijuana. Lloyd, on the other hand, said he was almost certainly going to cast his ballot for President Joe Biden due to his progressive views and commitment to supporting abortion rights while also aiming to lower housing costs. Climate change is an important issue for Madeline when she votes, but candidates who promote civil discourse are equally significant in her decision-making process. Marin emphasized the importance of protecting women’s rights above all other considerations as she considered voting. Though many students expressed indecisiveness regarding their choice for president, some confirmed they would vote to reelect Biden or simply opted against supporting former President Donald Trump. A new Quinnipiac University poll has indicated a tied presidential race between Joe Biden and Trump. Nevertheless, Biden remains popular among younger voters, according to recent research from Harvard Youth Poll by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School. Lloyd stated that anyone who keeps up with policy changes would realize how excellent a president Joe Biden is since his inauguration day despite some reports saying otherwise concerning the elderly presidential aspirant’s health condition. Teny Sahakian, an associate producer/writer for Fox News, authored this article. Follow her on Twitter at @tenysahakian.

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