Online streamer Kai Cenat, who has a massive following on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and others, will have charges of inciting a riot dropped after agreeing to pay a substantial sum in restitution and issue an apology for inciting chaos during a large gathering last year. The incident occurred in August when Cenat announced on social media that he would distribute gaming consoles and other electronics in New York’s Union Square. The gathering attracted numerous teenagers, some of whom damaged cars, climbed onto public transport, and threw paint cans and fire extinguishers around the area. As a result, many individuals were detained, and at least four people were taken to hospital due to injuries sustained during the event. Cenat expressed remorse via Snapchat earlier this week, stating, “I should have thought more about the post before announcing it.” He added that he never intended for the gathering to cause any harm to the community or surrounding buildings. Cenat and his co-accused have agreed to pay over $57,000 in reparations and submit an apology on their respective social media accounts as part of the agreement reached between them and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Cenat’s co-accused are also required to make similar payments and apologies, amounting to approximately $1,000 each. In addition, Cenat was obligated to compensate the Union Square Partnership to the tune of $55,000 to cover cleanup and landscape restoration expenses. The case is expected to be formally dismissed once Cenat’s apology has been live for 24 hours. This isn’t the first time Cenat has apologized publicly since the incident occurred; back then, Cenat stated, “Beyond disappointed in anybody who became disruptive that day, bro,” on his Twitch channel. He further explained, “When I watch these videos of people jumping on cars, and I’m watching the video and asking myself, ‘Why? Like, why?’ And you feel what I’m saying?”
Kai Cenat to Apologize, Pay Restitution for Inciting Riot During Gaming Giveaway Event
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