Following his departure from the National Security Agency (NSA), Paul Nakasone, who was also previously the head of Cyber Command, has called for a “full-time surge” to combat the rising tide of cyberattacks that are threatening US national security. This more aggressive approach would incorporate diplomatic efforts, business collaborations, and advanced technical capabilities to counteract all forms of cybercrime. His proposal comes at a crucial juncture as the US grapples with a series of significant cyberattacks, including those that have severely impacted healthcare providers and despoiled US water utilities. Additionally, the US government has issued warnings regarding China’s preparations to disrupt domestic civilian infrastructure in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. Nakasone emphasized that US businesses need to contribute significantly towards enhancing overall cybersecurity standards. Starting in September, Nakasone will take up the role of head of the Institute for National Defense and Global Security at Vanderbilt University, which will promote multidisciplinary approaches to tackle contemporary conflicts. Daniel Diermeier, the Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, underscored the significance of interconnectivity between technology and policy in mitigating cyber threats. However, Diermeier remarked that the public has not entirely grasped the fact that China has transformed into a major security threat, a realization that has already been acknowledged by US policymakers.
Nakasone Calls for Urgent Action to Combat Rising Cyber Threats through Diplomacy, Collaboration, and Advanced CapabilitiesTDM: 51
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