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Shifting GOP Strategy: Winning the Early Vote Throughout the Campaign

The author argues that the current focus on Election Day in Republican campaigns is detrimental to their success, as a majority of states now offer early voting. The author cites examples of failed efforts by Republican campaigns in early voting states in previous elections. To address this issue, the author suggests a shift towards a “win the vote throughout the campaign” strategy, starting with a focus on winning the first day of early voting in each state. This approach would involve educating GOP voters on how to vote early, setting targets for winning early voting, and following up with voters who do not turn out. The author recommends the establishment of 51 Election Day countdown clocks for each state and the District of Columbia, and encourages conservative media personalities and activists to adopt this approach. The author argues that this strategy will significantly increase the likelihood of Republican victories in 2024 and is necessary given the Democratic focus on early voting.

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