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Kenner Police Officers Wounded, Suspect Killed Following Multiple Shootings

Three police officers in Kenner, Louisiana sustained gunshot wounds during a confrontation with a suspect who had been involved in two shootings earlier that day. According to Fox 8 News, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office SWAT team sniper shot and killed Matthew Lathers, identified as the suspected assailant. The first incident saw a man aged 56 being robbed at gunpoint, resulting in him getting wounded. In another instance, two men mistakenly stopped near Lather’s home were also attacked after he thought they were police officers. Following this shooting episode, authorities encircled his residence during the standoff which resulted in a confrontation that left three Kenner Police Officers injured by gunfire. Two of them have since been released from hospital care while the third officer is still being treated but currently reported to be stable. Sheriff Joe Lopinto told Fox 8 News, “He probably didn’t want to go to jail,” adding that they attempted negotiations with him multiple times; however, there was no response or attempts at communication made by Lathers whatsoever.” Ultimately a Jefferson Parish sniper fatally shot Lather’s after he appeared again in the same spot holding his rifle. This story is being reported from Los Angeles as it unfolds.

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