Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has declared that he will not step down from his position five days after taking time out of public duties to contemplate whether or not to continue leading the government in light of corruption allegations against his wife, Begoña Gomez. In a nationally televised address delivered at the Spanish prime minister’s official residence in Madrid on Monday evening, Sanchez announced that he would be resuming his regular schedule following an internal reflection period which began last week after news emerged regarding an investigation into Gomez for alleged influence peddling and business corruption being undertaken by a judicial authority attached to Madrid’s regional court system. Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), a far-right organisation, reportedly lodged the complaint against Mrs Sanchez earlier this month prompting authorities to launch an investigation into her affairs on April 24th. Following revelations that prosecutors in Spain had moved to dismiss the case against Gomez and appealed the decision of Madrid’s judicial body which instigated the probe, this announcement marks a significant development for Sanchez who has been under mounting pressure from political opponents over recent days. This is an ongoing story; updates will follow as more information becomes available.
Sanchez Refuses to Resign amid Corruption Probe against Wife
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