A boxer named Ardi Ndembo, aged 27, passed away on Thursday after spending three weeks in a medically induced coma following a bout he fought against Nestor Santana in Miami on April 5th. The heavyweight fighter was knocked unconscious during the match and subsequently transported to a nearby hospital where doctors placed him into an artificial coma. Unfortunately, Ndembo’s condition worsened as time passed by, leading up his death this week. In statement provided to press organizations through Viva Promotions, they expressed their condolences for Ardi Ndembo’s untimely demise, who was a Congolese boxer and talented athlete representing Team Combat League when he fought against Santana in April. The promotion also added that the sport of Boxing is risky as it involves life-threatening risks since losing someone from it often spurs deep remorse into an otherwise seemingly immune environment to such losses, especially with a young man like Ndembo who was just 8-0 before his last fight against Santana. Floyd Mayweather’s uncle Jeff, working as part of Team Combat League also shared similar sentiments about boxing while discussing this situation that involved their opponent Ndemo bo which could further heighten the gravity and emotional intensity around it. In a statement to The Sun, he emphasized how people who love watching Boxing must realize that there is always an underlying risk associated with participating in such sports as any individual can lose his life during these events due to unforeseen circumstances. He also added that while every sport has its inherent risks and dangers attached to it, boxers are particularly vulnerable since the nature of this combat-based game involves brutal physical contact between opponents which could lead to fatalities or severe injuries. In response to Ndembo’s demise, Team Combat League paid their respect by honoring him with a 10 bell salute and pledged that they would match donations made through the GoFundMe platform (which aims to assist financially challenged family members) for this athlete up until $25,00. Ndembo leaves behind his wife and two children as survivors in this tragedy.
Boxer Ardi Ndembo Dies After Three Weeks in Coma Following Miami Fight
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