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Basic Guide to Water Bath Canning

There’s no step-by-step guide provided by the user, only tips for tools needed and basic information about water bath canning. Here is a four-step process based on that information:
1. Prepare your produce according to your chosen recipe, sterilize jars in boiling water or dishwasher, and keep lids hot but not touching them with bare hands. 2. Fill the sterile jars leaving headspace for expansion, wipe rims clean with a dampened paper towel, and carefully place a lid on each jar without touching it. Screw bands onto jars firmly by hand. 3. Place filled jars in boiling water bath for about 40-45 minutes to process them. Remove from the pot using tongs or lifting rack, set aside to cool with lids popping as they compress and seal. Clean around threads one last time if needed before storing sealed jars until ready to use. 4. Enjoy your preserved produce during winter months! Remember to always follow specific recipe instructions for proper canning techniques based on the type of food being processed, such as acidic versus low-acid foods requiring pressure canners instead of water baths.

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