A house in Willowbrook, Los Angeles was completely destroyed by a fire that left its inhabitants without any possessions. Residents believe the blaze may have been started by homeless squatters residing in their backyard. The incident occurred at 2601 E. 132nd St on Monday around midnight when three dangerous men, who had recently moved into the area, fled upon noticing the fire’s outbreak. The homeowners suspected these individuals as they recognized them from another homeless encampment located in an alleyway nearby that caught fire just a week prior.
The property contains Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) with four tenants inhabiting their living space towards its back portion; residents suggested smoking activities led by the trespassers could have caused the inferno’s ignition. The homeowner reported these intruders to local authorities after recognizing them from an adjacent street, where they previously appeared during prior occasions in gang-prone neighborhood activity patterns that entailed drug cartels and criminal elements.
Fortunately, no injuries were sustained as a result of the fire; however, approximately twelve kittens and chicks perished due to the incident’s destructive effects. Due to this disaster, those living on the property are now homeless themselves. The American Red Cross is providing temporary shelter for them along with clothing assistance at present time.
Willowbrook House Destroyed by Suspected Homeless Squatters’ Fire: No Injuries but Property and Pets Lost
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