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Tulsi Gabbard’s Call for Freedom and Democracy beyond Political Affiliations

Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat turned independent and previous candidate for the presidential nomination of her party in 2020, has penned an explosive book titled “For Love of Country: Leave the Democratic Party Behind,” due to be published on Tuesday. The Congresswoman from Hawaii’s second district (serving until January this year) laments that today’s Democrat Party is no longer recognizable as it was when she joined over 20 years ago, now controlled by a cabal of warmongers and wokeness enthusiasts who undermine Americans’ fundamental rights while pursuing an aggressive foreign policy agenda. In light of such actions within her own former political organization which the Congresswoman considered until very recently to be “the party of the people,” Gabbard has decided to leave it, calling upon fellow citizens also to do so in order to preserve freedom and democracy against those who would seek to destroy them for their personal gain. The author defines aloha as a Hawaiian term that goes beyond its usual meaning as greeting; rather, she explains that the word “alo” means sharing while “ha” refers to an eternal spiritual force within each person which connects all of us in God’s creation. Gabbard believes this concept can guide Americans towards defending their constitutional rights against those who would take them away for selfish reasons and help build a brighter future where free speech is respected, people are treated with dignity regardless of race or faith, law enforcement officers are supported rather than demonized, borders remain secure while still being open to legitimate immigration requests, national security issues do not serve as tools to silence political opponents but instead safeguard freedom, and the prospect for a nuclear holocaust recedes. In light of this hopeful vision which Gabbard wishes all Americans could share with her, she invites them to join her in re-building the United States as they jointly preserve freedom from elitism under any political guise or label whatsoever.

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