The movie “The Idea of You” takes the classic trope of famous and non-famous relationships to new heights with its modern twist set against the backdrop of Los Angeles rather than Europe as usual, as it tells a fictional tale centered on a chance encounter between Anne Hathaway’s character Solène Marchand, an art gallery owner in her forties who is also divorced and has a child, and Nicholas Galitzine’s Hayes Campbell, the popular member of a band called August Moon. This new version goes beyond being just another romantic fantasy by delving into the acutely female struggle for identity and individuality after motherhood as Solène’s character challenges the misogynistic binary of cougar or crone in her three-dimensional portrayal, which is not a mere caricature. The movie also explores how society perceives age gaps between couples through fashion rather than astrology, accurately reflecting the characters’ ages and emotions through their wardrobe choices as depicted by costume designer Jacqueline Demetrio’s work in sourcing Solène’s sophisticated yet understated labels such as Chloé, Isabel Marant, Gabriella Hearst, Valentino, vintage Chanel that can be easily purchased and afforded within the range of a woman at her peak earning years. The movie also subverts another cliché by making it clear that in this particular rom-com genre, the celebrity must not necessarily look more glamorous than their non-famous love interest as Solène’s character is dressed more elegantly and fashionably throughout the film compared to Hayes’ wardrobe choices. Overall, “The Idea of You” offers a fresh take on this classic trope while exploring deeper themes that are relatable for women beyond just romance or fantasy.
The Evolution of Love and Identity in “The Idea of You”: Beyond Famous-Non famous Relationship Clichés
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