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TradWife Trend: Realistic Lifestyle or Economic Risk?

Rewriting: According to recent social media trends, an increasing number of women are embracing traditional approaches in romantic partnerships. Some even opt for a “soft life” centered around their home, family and personal wellbeing instead of pursuing careers that barely provide enough income. This trend is known as tradwives or stay-at-home girlfriends (SAHG), but experts say it’s far from realistic due to the economic risks involved in financial dependence. The data shows women still earn less than men, leaving them more financially vulnerable and with lower retirement savings compared to their male counterparts. Women who opt for this lifestyle require a high level of privilege that few young adults possess these days as most are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Additionally, the power dynamic between SAHGs and working partners can be imbalanced, placing greater control in the hands of men. The trend is also disproportionately affecting younger generations who seem less motivated by financial success compared to their predecessors’ desire for professional achievement. Women are increasingly participating in the workforce than ever before, with mothers making up a significant portion. Some experts believe that these new roles are enabling couples to find an appropriate balance between work and family responsibilities. However, it should be noted that even when both partners have jobs, many relationships adhere rigid gender stereotypes; typically, women undertake primary caretaking duties if their male counterparts act as the breadwinners of families. It’s crucial for people to realize they can only become tradwives with a partner who shares similar values and beliefs about work-life balance.

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