Renowned actor Chazz Palminteri, who has been nominated for an Academy Award, spoke out about the state of crime in New York City during his appearance on “Varney & Co.” On Wednesday. He voiced concerns over a perceived shift towards decreased quality of life amidst low crime statistics presented by Mayor Eric Adams in a recent op-ed piece. Palminteri argued that while crimes such as murder may be down, the overall safety and comfort level for New Yorkers has deteriorated significantly. The actor recounted instances where he witnessed individuals engaging in lewd acts on busy city streets without any repercussions or consequences whatsoever. He also mentioned how many of his friends now avoid using public transportation like subways outright, as they believe it to be unsafe and unpredictable at best. Palminteri emphasized the importance of enforcing law and order in cities like New York regardless of other metrics regarding crime levels that may seem favorable on paper. The actor also touched upon his political views during the interview, stating that he believes common sense should prevail over radical ideologies when it comes to shaping policies at both national and local governmental levels. Palminteri further criticized current administration’s handling of veterans versus migrants in terms of healthcare benefits provided by taxpayer-funded resources; with the former group often left high and dry despite serving their country while immigrants receive six months worth of free medical care, phone services, as well as credit cards.
Chazz Palminteri Speaks Out on NYC Crime Crisis and Criticizes Administration’s Treatment of Veterans vs Migrants
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